Case Study - PaceTube

Raw Startup

pacetube case study thumbnail raw startup

I started working with Heini on his channel last year after coming across their channel and seeing that they have a lot of experience in business which is rare on YouTube and something that could really be useful to an audience. However, the quality of the videos aka the way that knowledge and experience were packaged into a video could be improved greatly. From lighting, audio, editing, thumbnails, titles and more there was a lot of potential for greatly improving the quality of the content and bringing it up to the standard that viewers are used to and nowadays expect on YouTube. After improving the quality of everything in terms of packaging we brainstormed some ideas for content and landed on a couple ideas that I thought have the potential to be well received by a larger audience and that he was happy with creating. In the end the video “Twitter Marketing [Tactics & Hacks in 2023]” worked well in the YouTube algorithm and was well received by viewers who then went on to subscribe, watch more content and follow on other platforms.

Juggling my businesses and learning how YouTube works was taking up a lot of my time in the beginning and it shows in the quality of the content I used to produce. Working with Grzegorz took a lot of that off my shoulders and let me focus on the value I provide in my videos more which seems like it did the job to help my channel grow.


My biggest takeaway from this case study for other businesses is to not niche down your content too much even if your ideal viewer is a niche viewer, but instead broaden your content out to reach a large viewer base, and from that viewer base you will get your niche viewers. My reasoning for this is that YouTube tests your content with small test groups of random people, if it doesn’t perform great with that group it doesn’t move on to be recommended to larger groups. So if the content you create only appeals to a small 0.05% subset of people it likely won’t pass those test groups and be shown to your niche viewers, but by creating broader content it will pass those test groups and then you will get your niche viewers from a subset of those views.

Views were fairly stagnant before
Got lucky with a video doing well in the algorithm

Packaging your content and hitting a higher level of quality is also important as things like audio are often overlooked but make up 50% of the viewing experience. Viewers will forgive subpar video quality but will leave if there is subpar audio quality. Nowadays YouTube viewers expect a certain level of quality and things like lighting, audio, editing are all things that should be implemented to a high level but this takes years of experimenting to learn yourself so being able to go through all of this in a few months and bring up the quality much faster allowed the channel to compete and have his experience and value be seen by an audience. The channel currently sits at 57 thousand subscribers and 2.1 million views and growing.

Categories: Case Study